Creating accountability

How can we strengthen our own accountability and that of others in our organization?
Half day (4 hours)
Min 12 / max 24
In person or live online

Learning Objectives

After completing the workshop, participants will be better able to:

  • Distinguish accountability from responsibility
  • Secure what they need to take ownership of their own work by applying the 5 components of the Accountability Culture
    Model (ACM)
  • Create a culture of accountability using a set of strategies that encourages others to assume greater accountability

Key question

How can we strengthen our own accountability and that of others in our organization?


This workshop is built around our point of view on accountability, which is that a person first must be clear about what accountability is, what they are accountable for, and to whom they are accountable, before choosing to be accountable. This is challenging in today’s volatile and ambiguous work environment. Additionally, a person must have authority, access to information, adequate resources, and support from superiors. Individual accountability is about overcoming fear, negotiating for what you need, and choosing to take ownership of work regardless of the results. Creating a culture of accountability is about helping those around you do the same.

Everything in this workshop is connected to a Key Question: How can we strengthen our own accountability and that of others in our organisation?