Talent conversations

How can we engage in more frequent and effective talent conversations?
Half day (4 hours)
Min 12 / max 24
In person or live online

Learning Objectives

After completing the workshop, participants will be better able to:

  • Recognise the importance of conducting regular talent conversations
  • Use simple models to prepare for and facilitate talent conversations
  • Practice delivering talent conversations
  • Increase the frequency and quality of talent conversations

Key question

How can we engage in more frequent and effective talent conversations?


This workshop has an applied focus: helping participants better prepare for and facilitate conversations with talent that will positively impact their development. Participants are introduced to 4 different types of talent and 2 models [Assessment – Challenge – Support (ACS) and Attention – Belief – Connection (ABC)] to assist them in preparing for and delivering talent conversations. The module concludes with a practice session for an actual real-life talent conversation.

Everything in this workshop is connected to a Key Question: How can we engage in more frequent and effective talent conversations?